Divided Basket Pattern by Noodlehead
You'll love this versatile basket for storing all sorts of goodies. It's great for diaper storage, filling with gifts, or knitting projects, or anything else you can dream up! You'll want to make one for all of your friends! This is a structured basket with divided liner (sewn on both sides and bottom, no gaps for anything to slide through!), front pocket, and two handle variations.
Finished Dimensions: 11" wide, 6" deep, 10 1/2" tall including handles (7 3/4" tall without)
-Requirements based on 44" wide fabric
exterior fabric - 1/2 yard
lining fabric - 3/4 yard
accent fabric (includes front pocket, handle accent/handle) - FQ (18" X 22")
fusible woven interfacing (Pellon SF101 20" wide) - 3/4 yard
foam stabilizer or fusible fleece - 1/2 yard
1/2 yard 1 1/2" wide cotton webbing for handles (optional)
Recommended fabrics - Quilting cotton or canvas for exterior fabric. Quilting cotton for lining and accent fabrics.